Random Drug and Alcohol Testing

Random Drug and Alcohol Testing

Random drug and alcohol testing helps employers identify individuals who may have a substance abuse problem while also deterring others from starting or continuing drug use

VeriCorp offers random drug and alcohol testing for both Department of Transportation (DOT) and Non-DOT employees. Based off company size, we use advanced software to create and manage random testing pools. Companies with 50 employees or less can be placed into a cost-effective and efficient random consortium. As employees leave or join the company, their status within the pool can easily be adjusted. For companies with over 50 employees, a standalone pool is implemented.

When the date of your upcoming random pool is approaching, we’ll give you ample notification to allow time for revisions in employee status before your pool is run. Once your employees are sorted and randomly selected, they’ll visit an approved lab for the required test. Lab results are available in EZyCheck for viewing at your convenience. This enables us to provide unique testing that adheres to each of our clients needs.

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